Animal healing
Reiki is an excellent complement for veterinary treatment and can assist the wellbeing of pets and other animals. Please ask for advice about whether Reiki could help your pet or companion animal.
My daughter often asks me to send distant healing when one of her dogs is unwell. On one occasion Bella was suffering from ulcers in her stomach; this is a photo of her after receiving a distant Reiki healing treatment.

Here are two case histories involving distant Reiki healing:
Fen, a nine year old horse, had a habit of rearing while being ridden. The problem was thought to be pain in her back but no way had been found of relieving this. With healing treatment her owner reported that there was a steady improvement in her, she was able to be ridden in show again, she stood still when she was being mounted (which she wouldn’t before) and she was happier in herself. When I last spoke to her owner she said that she had been able to ride her bareback for the first time ‘because she didn’t seem to mind’.
Peebles, a two year old hamster, was found to have a tumour on his throat and needed an immediate operation to remove it. Healing treatments started at this point.
Peebles survived the operation but was very shocked and did little except sleep for a week afterwards. He eventually recovered normal health but two months later further tumours were found and he had another operation to remove them.
Reiki treatments had continued daily and this had strengthened Peebles so much that when we collected him after this second operation he was running around his cage as if nothing had happened.
A month later he developed another tumour and the vet advised that he be allowed to die. The vet commented that it was surprising that Peebles had survived this long as hamsters often die of shock after being operated on.